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워터스코리아 응용지원 (HRMS팀) 채용공고

  • 2023
  • |
  • 조회 1026
업체명 워터스코리아
담당자명 오상미
연락처 010-4954-7902
팩스 02-6300-9205
업체주소 서울시 영등포구 여의공원로 101, CCMM빌딩 905-907호
모집분야 응용지원
모집인원 1명
경력 신입 가능/ 경력자 우대
최종학력 석사 혹은 박사
근무형태 정규직
급여조건 면접 후 협의
근무지역 서울
나이제한 무관
성별 무관
전형일정 [Job Description] As Application Chemist, this role will combine excellent scientific skills with strong commercial business acumen, and the desire to contribute to the customers’ success by helping them choose the best system solution from Waters product portfolio to address the customers’ analytical challenges. The Applications Chemist will do sample analysis across multiple types of applications (not limited to), Food & Environment, Chemical Materials, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences with a focus on QQQ and QTOF?instrumentation Work closely with Business partners and Field Sales operations to provide credible and impartial consultancy and technical sponsor in a fast paced pre?and post sales environment. Collaborate with the team of Account Managers in diagnosing the customer’s requirements, and design analysis that showcase the better capabilities of Waters product portfolio in line with the customers’ goals. Perform instrument demonstrations and provide expert advice to customers during the sales process, focusing on how Waters system solutions will address and benefit the customer’s needs. Ensure that the equipment, analysis and customer demonstrations are properly prepared, in order to guarantee the highest level of customer experience in a timely manner. Perform system and application training as well as technical sponsor to customers after the product has been installed. Conduct internal Waters Solutions Training to Field Sales Operations [Education] Masters Degree, or PhD in scientific area such as chemistry, biology, or biochemistry (treat favorably; proteomics, antibody and nucleotides) [Experience] 4+ years or more user experience with UPLC, Mass Spec and analytical instruments [Skills] Action oriented and eager to achieve results Sound communication and presentation skills Highly organized / well-prepared / time management skills Strong interactive skills and a good listener Matured disposition, positive attitude and strong sense of dedication Adaptive to a dynamic and ever-changing environment Strong technical background in analytical technologies, especially HRMS
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